
We offer Telephone appointments and Face-to-Face appointments, as available in the surgery.

We also offer extended access appointments, after hours Monday - Friday and on Saturdays, please see opening times for ,ore details of extended access appointments.

Staff have been instructed to ask for the reason for your appointment, please cooperate with them.

Thank you for your patience.

For routine matters:

  • Call at 8am for on the day/urgent appointments.
  • Call before 10am for home visits.
  • Call after 9.30am for prescriptions.
  • You will need to nominate a pharmacy so we can send all prescriptions electronically during this period
  • Call after 12pm for test results.

Thank you for your understanding.

Note: Online Appointments are available with limited capacity.


Practice Nurses, Practice Pharmacist, Physician’s Associate and Health Care Assistant

In a number of cases, it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse, practice pharmacist, physician’s associate and healthcare assistant rather than a doctor - examples of this could be for Asthma, COPD and Diabetes reviews and child immunisations. Practice nurses, physician’s associates and our practice pharmacist are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly. Our Health Care Assistant can take bloods and check and record your BP. They are also qualified to conduct NHS Health Checks and ECGs. They can administer Shingles, Flu, Pneumonia and B12 injections and vaccinations. Making appropriate use of clinician appointments will get patients seen much sooner in many cases, leading to what we hope will be higher rates of patient satisfaction.

To make an appointment call the surgery during opening times.

Appointments can also be made to have routine blood tests taken with Extended Access clinicians Monday to Saturday.

Patients can also book telephone appointments for the doctor to call you back.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

Missed appointments

Patients who repeatedly miss appointments without cancelling them will receive a warning from the Practice, and may be asked to find an alternative service if there is no change. Clinician time is important and we should do our best to keep appointments and inform the surgery of cancelations as soon as possible.

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